36 Verses to Healing #10

36 Verses to Healing #10: Mark 10:52 (Jesus heals blind Bartimaeus)

52 Then Jesus said to him,  “Go your way;  your faith has  made you well.”  And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus on the road. 

We are back to another miracle healing from Jesus, this time he heals a blind man named Bartimeus in Jericho.  When Bartimaeus called out "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!", the multitude of followers told him to be quiet, yet Bartimeus held steadfast to his faith and continued to call out to Jesus in desperation that he may be heard, "have mercy on me!".  

As we know from previous examples in the Bible, Jesus tends to gravitate towards the lowly in society and heal those that most would least expect Jesus to waste His time on, like the woman pulling on His garment, but isn't that why we have trust in Him? He reminds us that we are equal according to Him.  He was not born to a King, in fact they had to flee from King Herod.  He came to be in a stable, with hay and animals, born to a nobody young woman named Mary and a carpenter named Joseph! We do not have much left in this world that truly is created to be completely nonpartisan or equal in every aspect, so to have examples of Christ healing those that others had been looking down upon and telling to be quiet, really reinforces our belief that Jesus really does love each of His children and wants the best for them always! 

The other prominent theme that is again expressed in this verse like so many is the fact that we need to have faith in order to be healed!  How can Jesus hear us above the masses if we don't shout (yell, sing praises) to Him?  Expressing our needs, thoughts and beliefs faithfully is what we need to never give up on! Would Bartimaeus have sight if he listened to all those people yelling at him to be quiet?  I do not think Jesus would have noticed this poor blind man within the noisy crowds had he not been shouting for Jesus to have mercy on him.... his unceasing shouts allowed him to be heard above all else and be blessed with sight!  We give up far too quickly and easily in daily life situations! What would happen if we started using our stubbornness (you know you are) for a positive self outcome instead of for all the wrong petty things we refuse to let go of? 

Jesus wants the very best for us, this we know for sure!!! But, in order for Him to fully provide for us, we need to show Him, no, really express ourselves with abundant enthusiasm, our love and trust in Him and His ability to heal our suffering and abolish the scars from old wounds.  What possibilities could be achieved or nourished if we cheer as loud and as hard with steadfastness for Jesus as we do for our team in the Super Bowl, or driver at Daytona? Seriously, this world has screwed up priorities and until we recognize this in our individual lives and begin to make some drastic, subtle adjustments in our choices and actions we may never reach our full potential or allow for the amazing plans He has in store for us.  

My fellow Aliens can you: Pray, praise, scream, shout, sing, meditate, read the Bible, and start somewhere showing Him just how much faith, hope and love you carry in your heart, mind, body and soul for His amazing grace...........and allow yourself to be healed now? I believe in you and your faith but more importantly in Him to have mercy on you! 


  1. " My fellow Aliens can you: Pray, praise, scream, shout, sing, meditate, read the Bible, and start somewhere showing Him just how much faith, hope and love you carry in your heart, mind, body and soul for His amazing grace...........and allow yourself to be healed now? I believe in you and your faith but more importantly in Him to have mercy on you! "

    Last nights Bible study was about Adam and Eve, when they realized they had done wrong and hid when God came to the Garden looking for them. they acted like children hiding some deep secret from thier parents. Are we afraid to shout and sing to the lord? do we feel quilty for something we did. is this why we are Ill?

    I believe if we run to God and ask him to heal us he will. we all need to Trust in God.
    Have Faith in God. Prase God. our bodys are weak and they will die. theres nothing in this world that can change this. But thru God, our Spirit will live forever.

    1. Thanks for always sharing your thoughts Ben, seeing another's interpretation of a verse or reading about what my words brought to mind truly make this a rewarding journey in so many ways! I also get to know you, my alien reader, on a deeper more personal level through spirituality! Keep posting :-))))))

  2. I too think of how Bartimaeus would have been shouting at Jesus for him to hear him. Not caring what anyone else thought or how they looked at him or talked about him.
    I sometimes wonder if We set back and not let completely go thinking too much about what others will think or say or view us as. If we sometimes hide within ourselves over things we have trouble letting go. When in reality God has forgiven and has let it go. Do we worry about going to the altar when we feel the need because of Vain reasons? I know I have probably been guilty of all these questions that come to mind from the lesson.
    When all I need to do is sing praises it does not matter if I am off key and all crockey God doesn't care. I should raise my hands and praise him and not worry about anyone else after all I am there to worship if anyone else is judging then they have the problem not I. I should roll to the altar not worrying if I am there everytime if I have a reason I want to be there and make it known to God what I want.
    So as I am studying ths with you and learning and going through bible school with a really open mind for learning now I want to be more eager to shout, yell, praise, sing and ask from what I need of God. And if he heals me I will witness this the rest of my life. If he choses not too I will have gained so much spiritually to be able to help someone else. Either way we are benefiting so much from this. And getting so much out of our journey. Thank you little sister for allowing God to use you. Love you Today, Tomorrow and Forever..Viv


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