36 Verses to Healing #7

 36 Verses to Healing : #7 III John 2

2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

I decided to get some help on this one and found an excellent excerpt from an online Bible App called Bible Suite that truly assisted my understanding of this verse.  Again we learn that we shall have health if we are faithful in our prayers, but that's not all, we also should pray for health of our soul and to be prosperous in 'all things' (referring to secular things as stated below). Threes show up as a common thing in Christianity and Scripture: such as in The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, forming the Holy Trinity, three kings, "He was buried for 3 days and 3 nights, and resurrected on the 3rd day. In fact, the word three is mentioned in the Bible 543 (3 x 181) times"* So I don't find it surprising that faithful prayer consist of the body, soul and prosperity in all things.

The prayer of St. John for Caius includes three particulars:

1. Health of body;

2. Health of soul; and

3. Prosperity in secular affairs. That thou mayest Prosper and be in Health, as thy Soul Prospereth. These three things, so necessary to the comfort of life, every Christian may in a certain measure expect, and for them every Christian is authorized to pray; and we should have more of all three if we devoutly prayed for them.

It appears from the last clause that the soul of Caius was in a very prosperous state.


  1. Wow this hits me as I have prayed for myself for me to be healthy in all asspects of my life mind body&soul. So I am able to help others understand God is a healer of all.

  2. What more could He want for us as followers? So glad that you are in a much better place Mildred then when I first met you, look what dedication and faithful prayer has accomplished with you. Passing that on to others is exactly what our job must be, don't you feel blessed to be chosen for such an important task for Him? Love ya xxxxx

  3. I truly think we have to pray for our life, mind, body and soul as Mildred said. I also think that prosperity with us means that we keep learning and feeding ourselves with God's word, his love and by Faith. And in doing so we will keep reaching and growing and will continue to prosper on our journey and in doing so then we will be able to pass it on to others and do God's work. All through our life we will continue to grow and learn and prosper as long as we keep God where he should be in our life..And Faith and Hope alive...Love You!

  4. thank you for sharing,


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