36 Verses to Healing #3

36 Verses to Healing #3: John 10:10

10The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have  it  more abundantly. 

I am feeling much better tonight then I did the last few nights so thought I would take a stab at the next verse.  I honestly read the verse several times, read the whole chapter, and several versions and asked Bill (hubby) what his opinion was.....and thats when it all made sense.  One sentence, "What if disease is the thief, honey?"......when you substitute disease, illness, demons, etc... for the word "thief" I found it so much easier to relate to it, thanks hon!

So now we have disease, illness and pain stealing, killing and destroying us but not just in the literal definitions of those words.  Pain and disease certainly stole my job, friends, money, social life, ability to drive whenever, purpose in life, intimacy, my health, physical abilities etc... We know that pain and disease touches every area of our lives, it is just always there with us, interfering, causing anxiety, adding risk, raising our blood pressure, changing our ability to accomplish things when we want to and sort of dictating our lives at times.  But, do they have to or do we let them control, steal, kill and destroy?

God gave us the ability to choose, we have knowledge and a mind and can make decisions in all areas, known as free will.  So, according to this verse He came to give us 'life' and to make sure we could have it more 'abundantly', but what is hidden here is we first have to choose Him to control our life in order to have what He promises. Just as in the last verse, we have to ask ourselves, where are we focusing our thoughts, tasks and giving power too?  It is so easy to let disease win, it is tiresome, difficult, agonizing, and sometimes more painful to fight disease and illness.......but isn't work focusing on the Lord too?  

I personally would rather focus on my Lord, reading His words, listening to His call, following His path, and allowing Him inside to help me heal then put the same effort into the very thing taking it all away! Its your choice......!!!

P.S. As I was typing this I stopped for a minute to read a paragraph to Bill that just sounded off to me, when I all of a sudden heard music faintly playing.  I asked Bill if he heard it, to make sure it wasn't just me and he too heard something.  I said I think its my IPad and turned the volume up only to hear the Christmas song, "Joy to the World"! Not sure how music got turned on or even how that song was chosen but it is my fav Christmas song and well I am discussing Jesus.......

May there be Joy in all my fellow alien's worlds.


  1. I love reading your thoughts and feelings as you make the journey through these verses and meditation. Pain and illness take so much from so many but by focusing on our Lord & God it gives those that suffer another mechanism to deal with the pain and sickness in their life! Keep them coming Hon and lets see where God takes us on this!

    1. Thanks hon for believing in me and always encouraging me to write about my feelings and thoughts, without you and your support through these years I don't think I would have ever started blogging. It does give us another mechanism or tool to use for distracting and coping during difficult times including pain, illness and stressful times. I am trying my best and pray He allows healing in my life as well as all others reading with me, but if all that results is growing in faith that too would be a welcomed result. I am so happy that you are doing this as well, i love bouncing ideas off you and value your opinion tremendously even if I dont agree!!!! I do hope this brings us closer and allows communication between us to floww easier and not run into as many roadblocks. Love you always and forever xoxoxo

  2. Bill is so right disease and illnesses and pain and all the above is like a thief. It does try to rob us of the happiness and life that God really has in store for us. By reading his word and studying and listening to him when he speaks to us I think we can learn to refocus. I know I have somewhat with pain from where I was many years ago. I don't feel it controls me like it did. So now to keep reading and learning not to let the rest rob me of what God has in store. This is a wonderful journey with you Denise and can't wait to see where it take us all.
    How appropriate for Joy to the world to come on your Ipad for after all Jesus came to this world to give of himself to all of us and bring us great joy in our Life and allow us to know someday we will join him in his kingdom. Wow!
    Glad your better this was good!
    Love ya,
    Viv Me2

  3. Joy to the World- my belief is that this was Gods way of saying "DENISE I am Here with you"
    when we talk with God sometimes he answers us in soft gental wispers, its true Illness can take so much from us, as we walk with and Talk with God there is nothing that can destroy us.

  4. As we say in Hawai'i, the iPad playing music on its own is a 'chicken skin' moment! Did it turn on because it bumped something? Did it turn on after being you touched the screen five minutes before? Or, was it a 'coincidence?'

    You know what coincidence is, right? They say it's God's way of remaining anonymous. I think the angels in heaven were singing along with you at that moment.

    What a wonderful journey you're on, Denise. Thanks for taking us with you...

  5. Thanks to all my readers and those who commented! I may not reply to each one but I certainly read them all and find them tremendous! I appreciate the honesty, the openness to share, and the knowledge of the words left for for us in all your comments. I invite you to continue and encourage others to open up and share as well, this is a journey and the only way we grow is to learn and improve on what we have and do in life. Praying for healing and a rewarding journey for all who participate. God Bless xxxxx


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