36 Verses to Healing: #2 Mark 1:34

34 Then He healed many who were sick with various diseases, and  cast out many demons; and He  did not allow the demons to speak, because they knew Him. 

*This blog entry is in memory of my Dad, Robert W. Tesone (love and miss you so much Daddy)

I learned tonight that I am human, imagine that? You thought I was an ET didn't you because I end each blog with "Thank you and enjoy my fellow aliens"? I do that for several reasons but most important it is to remind my readers how little we really know about each other on a deeper more personal level.  And its a pun on being "human".... we sometimes forget this and put so much pressure on ourselves when the answer is right there before us, just give it UP, literally UP to Him, He can take it all on and release you from thinking you are more then human. Knowing your limits can be your biggest asset and help keep you away from stress, anxiety, and overwhelming situations etc... that were not yours to take on to begin with! 

I am not feeling well at all tonight, can't even keep fluids in, and actually started acting like the 'old me' beating myself up because I wanted to do this blog, I promised I would, I can't quit on day 2.  I feel like a failure in so many areas in my life but letting down my readers once again and The Lord was too much to handle. Then I heard my iPad bleep, I rolled over with little strength left, and saw it was a reminder to read my devotional for today, the name is Jesus Calling, so it pops up like a message and says "Jesus Calling"! I thought how appropriate that here I am battling whether to do my blog and praying for guidance and Jesus called me, so I went to the devotional and the very first lines were "IT'S ALL RIGHT TO BE HUMAN. When your mind wanders while you are praying, don’t be  surprised or upset. Simply return your attention to Me."  Well there you have it, He gave me the ability to be okay with my decision as long as I tried to refocus back to Him, now I feel focused and more alert and not stressed over writing or not writing in the blog.  I knew better but relapsed into alien form for a minute thinking I can do it all, so I will do my best to stick with the Mon-Fri routine but if I miss a day I will catch up the next day or just finish a bit later then expected, hope we are all okay with that? 

Demons, are a type of alien being according to my definition but can also refer to things we lose control over, things we give power to instead of turning to Him.  The best example I can relate to is an alcoholic, their demon is alcohol! The 12 step program is all about turning the demon over to a higher power!  My Dad struggled most of his life with his alcoholism, but he ended up being just shy of five years sober before his passing.  He was finally able to accept his illness (demon), ask for forgiveness and give it all up to God. We finally got to know the real Dad, not the drunk one, who lied, kept secrets, and broke the law.  He died of cancer in 2007 and had an amazing tribute to his sober life.  The line of people to say goodbye and thank you was out the door! We heard about fabulous things our Dad did for others in AA and in the community.

In looking at our verse tonight The Lord acknowledges not only that illnesses and demons exist but also having the ability to heal them! He can take it all away! There were no exceptions, addendum's, or fine print to read through, it was simple.  Explain to me then, why we fight it, make it so complicated and stress over it to the point of making ourselves sicker? We had the answer all along, as Dad would say "Let go let God"!

The second half of this verse refers to the demons themselves, and the important lesson that they, the demons, have NO POWER to override Him.  He didn't allow them to speak at all during the healing and they could not because they "knew" Him.  That right there is the key to healing, knowing Him! Just as the demons, if we know our Lord then He has the power over everything in our lives not the illnesses or demons.  Give that POWER back to the One who can honestly change your life path forever.  

Can you honestly say with complete confidence that you know your Lord? I feel it is a never ending learning and growing process on Earth, thats why we call it a journey; our destination is Heaven and then we not only KNOW Him but become One with Him.  Doing things like this, bible study, devotionals, attending a church, discussions online, reading the Bible, and praying all help us know our Lord better and more intimately.  Have chats readers, do not be afraid to share your knowledge, beliefs, and faith.  Discuss your demons, we all have them, and maybe team up to motivate one another in knowing Jesus so together healing can begin!!!! May God Bless and Heal You All

Thank You and come back my fellow aliens....... 


  1. Denise this is a great tribute to your dad and it is amazing how he Let Go and Let God and things changed so much for him and all of you. I am sure through this he was a blessing to many.
    We all have our demons and things that hold us back. And through our studies and learning and Faith we have to have the strength to let go of them so God can take over. He never forces himself on us he gives us direction and gives us the ability to make the choice.
    I am glad you realized with you so sick if you could not of did this it would be alright you have not failed and will get it done when the time is right.
    I know I grow each day through reading,studying and learning the Lord's word. Through others who enlightened me like you have always done. Sometimes it may seem like I am not paying attention but it does sink in and through this I do think I will get better control of things.
    As was said last night in our bible study at church we will never know everything there is to know about the bible and our Lord until we reach our final destination which is Heaven. That is when we will have ALL the answers.
    Love you and May all get their healing,

    1. Thanks Viv, you said it all just great and feel any comments on my part would just take away from it, so thank you and keep the comments coming I thoroughly enjoy them as does other readers I am sure!!!! Love you Me2 !
      Love and God Bless Me1


    1. I am really frustrated, another beautiful reply is lost to cyber heaven, which is full of unfinished thoughts and accidental key hits sending things off to a place even computers cant access again........here I go again trying to comment! Thanks Skeets, and so glad to see that you joined me and decided to comment. We do have far too much time to think, in fact Bill says that is my biggest road block to sleeping! I cant let things go, once in my head it stays until it is dealt with completely, so anything that lingers takes up my mind space not allowing other things in or out......so my resolution is to give it up to Jesus from now on "Letting go letting God" can be applied to everything you need help with, time, guidance or want to forget completely. Praying this journey helps heal you in some way as well Skeets so please stick with me, love having you along for the ride!!! xxx

  3. second times a charm::
    I dont know what happen to my 1st comment,its lost somewhere in cyberspace I guess. anyway Denise I want to thank you for sharing your emotions,feelings and thoughts.
    your words are truly encouraging to all that read your blog. thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    1. Happens to me a lot Ben, read above! Thanks for your kind words, how much did Viv pay you to type that? Just kidding of course but could not resist that one.......did you smile? I am so appreciative that you are joining me and that you shared your thoughts. Please keep them coming I need positive as well as negative responses so I know what works and what is not.......praying you are able to grow in faith during this journey as well. God Bless xxxx

  4. Denise, I for many (32) years drank and smoked and cursed and was generally and mad, angry hateful person. Giving my life to God has truly helped me see things so much clearer than I ever have. God is Good Always. And I love learning about God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I am more at peace than I have been ever! I am happy that you are writting a blog about God, he truly deserves the Praise :)
    I will come back to see what else you write.
    God bless you and keep you, God make his face to shine upon you and give you peace. I pray God sends angels to heal you and my dear friend Viv who is sick right now too. Amen. Rea

    1. Rea,
      Thank you for joining me and sharing so many personal things in your life, I know it is not easy to do. By sharing you help others see that turning their life around and giving it to God can certainly help at any point, it is never too late to start! I enjoy writing and feel honored and blessed to be given the opportunity to do so about my faith and journey to health. I truly believe I was called to do this and love that others are joining in and getting something out of these words. Glad you are coming back and hope and encourage you to keep commenting and sharing. May you continue to find peace in His words and find healing in areas of your life that you need it as well. God Bless

  5. I like the part of the verse where Jesus did not allow them to speak. I wonder about that. Did he not allow this because they had nothing positive to say? Very likely. They would also scare those nearby and Jesus was not about 'freak shows,' from what I gather.

    I believe he didn't let them speak because he refused to 'engage' with them. Jesus didn't have to prove to them he was the Son of God. They knew it, he knew it. Why listen to their lies and nonsense? To make a long story short, he basically told them, 'beat it, and never return.'

    However, we 'engage' with our demons at length. Wrong! We are flawed and will never win that battle. Call on the one who defeated them for all eternity. King Jesus!!

  6. Love your response! Maureen you sharing your point of view is exactly what this blog needs, a different way of interpreting His words can only help more people connect to it. Please continue and know I appreciate your input immensely! Praying you too grow in faith and receive healing. God Bless you my new friend of Christ :-] xxxx


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