36 Verses to Healing #12

36 Verses to Healing #12: Psalms 42:10,11 (NKJV)

10 As with a breaking of my bones, My enemies reproach me, While they say to me all day long, “Where  is  your God?” 11 Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; For I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God. 

Psalms 42:10, 11 (CEV)
10 Even my bones are in pain, while all day long my enemies sneer and ask, “Where is your God?”    11 Why am I discouraged? Why am I restless? I trust you, Lord! And I will praise you again because you help me, and you are my God. 

For those readers that have copied down the 36 verses ahead of my blog posts, I have added #10, the verse previous to the one listed, to assist us in the understanding of verse #11.  I often read the whole chapter for our verse before I write my blog post just to give me an additional understanding as to where we are in the Bible and what we are discussing.........I assumed we all had access to a Bible, and I probably should never do that, so to assist us all I will include any verses that helped me write the blog so that we are all, literally, on the same page!

I must say the first line sure sums up my life lately, "as with a breaking of my bones".....pretty graphic, and catches the reader's attention as to the severe distress one believer is experiencing and then the reaction of others, non believers, to that awful distress questioning where his God is while he suffers without assistance.  We all experience varies situations in life where those who do not get or understand what faith is (evil doers) question you (righteous one) at the most difficult times, trying to prove to you that God must not exist, you believe yet here you are hurting in anguish and without His hands to help you!  Satan comes in many forms, just as Jesus or God.....vessels can be used for good or evil, all depends which voice we choose to listen to in life and follow no matter what we are facing.  Faith isn't faith when things are going your way, faith is trusting that God is in control and leading you even when life hands you nothing but lemons. You don't throw your faith out the window just because you are in pain, not getting what you want in life, or grieving the loss of a loved one! Instead, you affirm that in everything that drops on your path has with it a promise from above that you will never be alone and will reach life eternal just by believing in Him.  

Questions, we all ask them every day, we as humans will always thirst for answers as to why something had to happen or not work out.  Where do you search for answers?  Do you open your bible and read favorite passages, do you log on and google things, or do you trust your God and give it all to Him?  We know what we should do but we are not always good at remembering that letting go and letting God lead and show us over the obstacle and to the other  side is what real faith is! 

When we finally realize that what we are doing is not working, that we are not getting the results we hoped for or even when we become desperate because we have lost complete control over everything in life, we turn to Him, and through all that He didn't turn away or leave your side, He waited for you to believe in Him to handle and fix all the wrongs.  Our response should be praise, through song, prayer, preaching, and writings we can express our faith and thank the One responsible  for helping us surpass all the obstacles on our path of life. 

Living a life with illness and chronic pain has strengthened my faith and spirituality beyond my own comprehension at times.  I chose to lead this journey to health because I was called to do so......I never know the verse before its typed at the top of the page, I do not prepare any thoughts ahead of time, I meditate and pray as I write on what verse I am reading!  I ask for His words to shine through, to use me as a vessel of His amazing and miraculous ways, and to guide my readers along their journey while reading His teachings. If you asked me 7 years ago if I would be writing a blog about verses in the Bible, I probably would have asked if you were feeling okay.  I believed in God but I did not live with belief in my God.  I was career oriented, dedicating time and energy helping others that were less fortunate but I certainly was not approaching any of it with God in mind or in my heart, I was just doing my job. I now realize the difference between just believing in God while living and living with belief in my God!  May not appear so different at first but once you start applying it in everyday life the two statements are worlds apart.  Which way do you choose to live?  Is God your only priority when tackling all life throws at you, or are you letting Him simmer while your life boils over out of control?  Your health is in your hands, heart and soul, be functional through God and not dysfunctional without Him! 


  1. In today's fast paced stress filled life it is easy to praise God when everything is going good. So many of us as soon as life turns sour we curse God, "Why me? How could you Lord? & What did I do to deserve this?". There are many times when there are still blessings to be found within our trials and tribulations. Although I would not wish RSD or any of the chronic pain conditions Denise has on anyone (other than maybe the case managers at my health insurance company that have to deny everything first adding un-needed stress to a stress filled life.) there have been good things that have happened to Denise and I that never would have with out RSD. Prime example is all of our Facebook friends we have met due to pain. Denise's "big sister" in Tennessee that we got an opportunity to visit. The support system that other RSD'ers have given. Don't get me wrong if a cure for chronic pain became available tomorrow I would move Heaven & earth to get it for Denise. We just need to remember that God deserves our praise in all things and we need His guidance! From the song vice verses by Switch Foot "Every blessing comes with a set of curses"
    *Written by Bill Shaw
    Submitted to me via email

  2. I have to agree no matter what is put on us things come from it and I know I am a different Vivian now than I was back in 1997. Like You Denise I went to work daily and tried to do my job well. I knew God but I really did not KNOW God. There is a difference. I worked sometimes 80 plus hours a week cleaned 2 houses on the side and ran to church on Sunday morning thinking I was really doing God's Will! But was I? I think not.
    Through my getting bite May 29,1997 it started my long and challenging journey with hole in my skin, numerous surgeries. Finally disabled with chronic pain and many other challenges I want go into all of them but Denise and God knows them. But through this I have learned much and am still learning and have gotten so much out of it.
    I found my dear Little Sister (Denise) whom I got to meet and now go on this journey with. I also learned we do not have control over the pain, the doctors or anything else in all of this only God does. So many times during this I have had nothing to rely on but God which has brought me to a much closer relationship with him. And as verse 11 says Hope in God. Which is truly important through this all to continue to have Faith and Hope. I know with me the closer I get to God the more the enemy attacks as I think it does with you little sister. Like me having two new pyoderma holes in my arm when I have not had any in over 2 years. Satan knows we are on the right track so he is trying to distract us with all he can and we will not let that happen because you and I both know we have no control over anything but Believing in God and that is something we must continue in.
    I truly know even though I have suffered and would love to be healed I have also learned much and gained much through these trails and I will continue on believing and on this wonderful journey with you and God! xoxoxoxo Me2

  3. How many people only have Faith when they are sick or facing a crisis? To me it doesent matter if things are good or bad, I have Faith in everything God offers me.
    If I have nothing to eat tomorrow, or I have no place to sleep I know my faith in God will provide. its more than let go- an let God. it should read : Let God!:


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