I decided to try something a bit different with this verse because my mind is not focused nor relaxed enough to allow the words of the Holy Spirit to infiltrate and bond with lingering thoughts to create the message for healing. So my fellow readers, this one is yours! I want your opinion on this verse first, please follow the format below and answer the questions I have created to help organize your thoughts. Once I receive and post a few replies, I will then comment about my initial reaction to your thoughts and provide a summary of my interpretation of the verse. Please remember, there is no right or wrong answer, it is purely about discovering your own feelings and thoughts on how the verse speaks to you or applies to your life.
- Share your first few thoughts, or words, that immediately came to mind while reading this verse.
- Why do you think this verse was chosen for the healing journey?
- How does it relate or apply to your life or personal spiritual growth?
- What have you learned that you did not know previous to reading this verse? (Can be about the Bible, Jesus, yourself, etc....)
- Is there anything about it that you did not understand and need/want additional discussion or explanation? (Could be a word, a line, a feeling or theme that leaves you confused or unsure). If so, please provide us with a short description of what and why?
- Did you read more then just the assigned verse we are discussing? Explain why or why not and what other verses you read or used to help your understanding. Please provide the translation you are using as well!
- Has this verse changed your beliefs, faith, frame of mind, etc..... If so explain how?
- How can you incorporate the message from this verse into your daily living?
- Please add anything I missed that you feel needs attention!
- Lastly but most importantly, I am asking (begging, with whipped topping, hot fudge and a cherry on top) each of my fellow alien readers to share comments about your personal spiritual growth, health changes (improvements), daily routine improvements that focus on the Lord (prayer, meditation, Bible study, sharing of faith, praising Him...), and any "God/Jesus moments" or miracles that may have occurred during this journey thus far!
I was lost when I read it. But I was always told you need to read the verse in front and back to get the complete meaning. That is why some people misinterpret verses in a sermon because they are handed out individually. Jesus never spoke in one sentence so we shouldn't read his Word like that. There are many versions of the bible on the market. NIV, AM Standard, KJV, Ampl, and many more. They all pretty much say the same thing but can usually look different. I looked at other versions of this verse and here they are: Malachi 4:2 (MSG)
ReplyDelete2 But for you, sunrise! The sun of righteousness will dawn on those who honor my name, healing radiating from its wings. You will be bursting with energy, like colts frisky and frolicking.
(That sounds great) and the Malachi 4:2 (AMP)
2 But unto you who revere and worshipfully fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings and His beams, and you shall go forth and gambol like calves [released] from the stall and leap for joy.
He is talking about salvation and the Lord's return. Of course when Jesus comes back, our suffering will be over, our illnesses healed, etc. That is why the Son of Righteousness (Jesus) will arise with healing in His wings and His Beams. This account makes you wonder what are "Beams". His arms maybe?
AMP mentions released from the stall and leaping for joy. That is the bondage we are in under sickness or sin. He will free us from bondage.
There ya go. My thoughts. Thanks for the lesson. Caroline
Thank you! Your words certainly taught me and I appreciate your participation, loved reading your thoughts before they were skewed in the direction I chose to discuss. Would you be okay with trying this from time to time? If you prefer the old way that is fine too, just getting an idea on what readers think and what works best for them!
DeleteI believe the beams are His arms allowing His hands to do the healing of those who are believers! You know the sun beams that cast down, well we call them stairways to Heaven and in my mind I see Jesus as this big entity glowing so brightly with His arms spread out palms up welcoming all who arrive and casting protection and healing with the beams back down to those on Earth! when I was 5 years old I saw God and He presented Himself to me, while I was swinging alone in my backyard, as the sun, He was the brightest biggest light I had ever seen. He spoke to me and I have never forgotten it for it prepared me for terrible things to happen to me as a child, and the suffering as an adult, and believe it saved my life numerous times, because each time I felt I could not go on I remembered Him telling me I would never be alone for He would always be there........He has never failed me yet!!! Again thank you, love and Gods blessings always be upon you!
But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings; And you shall go out And grow fat like stall-fed calves.
ReplyDeleteIf you bow down to God, in total amazement, Im talking down on your knees amazement crying out his holy name then he will do more than provide for us. we will be blessed so much that we will have an abundance of things. if we believe in God he will provide for us above and beyond what we ask. to fully understand the verse I had to look it up in my Bible. Ive been reading the Bible daily for the 1st time sence I was a Teen. Im trusting God more and more each day to take care of my needs. I know I trust him 110%,
I need to remember to start the day with his words and thank him for giving me another day
to share with friends and family.
Peace be with you...
DeleteIt takes a very strong Christian to accept what we are given, how much or little it may be, and not question any of it, just praise Him for it. Humans are selfish and greedy by nature as is accepted in society, which is in deep conflict with His ways, so although we should willingly want to follow His lead, at times it feels harder to do so then to just fall into societies ways and remain lazy and unambitious. So glad you are becoming dedicated to the Bible but applying it and sharing it are also needed or that reading is like reading a novel, apply it in your life each and every day and it becomes life not a book!! Just a thought.......?!?
Peace back to you Ben praying you find a job soon!!! Xxxxxx
My first thought when I read this was being the little girl locked in the garage and Jesus had his angel appear to me. Arms wide open. Allowing me to know there was more.
ReplyDeleteI read it from the NKJV in my spirit filled bible. It is back during the law of Moses before the first advent and salvation when they still had to offer burnt offering and things before Jesus died for us. I think Malachi is pointing out that is telling us that the Lord Shall arise and with healing in his wings. It can either be healing of our bodies or spirits maybe even broken hearts. There are so many things he can heal.
By reading this I know that when the Lord returns I will be set free from everything. There is nothing that is wrong that will matter then. Nothing! We will grow like stall fed calves because we will be in his care then with nothing else affecting us like it does in the outside world.
I myself read the whole book of Malachi since it is only 4 chapters to understand it better. I always read more than one verse so it's not taken out of context. I think that is important when studying.
As for me this journey has definately lead to more studying and understanding of God's word through reading and meditating what I feel he is telling us. I have always know he was there even when no one told me there was a God I knew there was more or I would not be here writing this today but through this I have a better understanding of all he holds for us. I have been able to read and study without OCD going wild so that is one thing I have gained through this little sis. I so look forward to whatever God has instore for us all!
I like the way you did this. I think it makes us all think of God and our experiences with him Denise. And all of us have had them one way or another.
Thank you for sharing this and I hope you or someone get's something out of each answer here I know I did.
Isn't it amazing the peace that follows reading His word and studying it? I fall asleep so often in deep prayer, I wish that I could be so committed that prayer came naturally and when I can't sleep remember to just pray again and drift off, but I don't because my first response is related to pain. So I begin with selfish thoughts which is not at all peaceful, so now that I realize this I must focus elsewhere then I may drift off again. I started the blog in the middle of the night, when not sleeping I will turn to my verses and allow God to fill me, if He doesn't I don't write......your OCD going bye bye during Bible time or blog time proves that YOU my dear can control it, it's all about focus and trust when either or both are broken your OCD has a window in which to enter!! If you could remember that and open your Bible or take out your index cards then I believe you could control your OCD! No it's not easy but yes it is possible, because why? All things are possible if we believe in Him!! Love you as always ME1 signing out xoxoxo
DeleteI also went back and reread the entire very short book like Viv. This is an old testament book - obviously the last one. What is interesting is he is setting us up for what we are about to receive in the new testament. I have noticed all through the old testament where they mention messiah to come, saviour, redeemer, son of God, etc. The annointed ones (prophets) all knew of the coming Lord and spoke of Him. What we see now in some Jewish circles is that they are still waiting for their messiah to come. They didn't accept Jesus as the Son of God but rather as a prophet so they don't follow the teachings of the new testament. If you get the chance, read into messianic hebrew (Jews converted to Christianity). You will find that all the annointed ones are very spiritual and powerful healers. I accept the Jewish people as God's chosen ones. I still know I am a child of God too. He loves me just as much. Look into the Bible and find out how blessed we can be if we support Israel and the Jewish people. I have personally been blessed in many ways when I honor God's chosen people. At the least we should always pray for Israel and Jewish people everywhere. Caroline
ReplyDeleteDenise your so right I feel I have more control right now than I have had in years. Also your right when my brain feels it is let down or threatened that brings up the old stuff that has happened and OCD runs wild. So now I am doing exactly as you talked about I take my cards out and read I pick up the bible and study and read or go to the study bible Caroline sent me which has great references and devotionals. And I find my mind is calm and at peace. And your right all things are Possible with God so why did I use to think it so impossible to get the OCD in control??? I guess I thought it would never happen but now I see light at the end of the tunnel. I love you too sweety and when you wake up like that try to turn to prayer I do think it would help put your mind at ease. Love always ME2xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteCaroline funny we are studying in Wed night bible study now about the Jewish people and Israel and we have prayer for them because yes they are the chosen people. Through going back in the old testament it is amazing that they are preparing us for the coming of the messiah all of them knew. So much to be learned!